About Me

I'm 21 years old - I'm interested in computers and anything about computers. I'm studying to get my HD or more in Software Engineering. I like travelling to other countries. I would like to try a fantastic parachute jump again. I already jumped 5 times. I flew a small plane for 16 hours and it was a great experience. Flying a plane is one of the most exciting experiences that I have ever had. The plane was a Cessna 152, a model from the year 1976. I had the idea that planes were like cars. I thought that an old plane was as dangerous as an old car. I was wrong. My blog will be about global warming, climate change and other subjects that the teacher will give us to submit. We will summarize the articles to understand the concept of the main subject. I'll use some skills like critical thinking, summarizing and organizing to make my articles look professional. There will be some main points that I'll need to analyze to make it easier for the reader to understand the main point of the subject. Another main skill I'll need to use to make my opinion clear and professional is using critical thinking skills to search for the perfect answers.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Task 6 - Cool City

Cool City is a city that has made a dedication to stop global warming. The idea has been made to reduce the emissions and to solve many other problems. However, the video said if we don’t reduce our CO2 emissions we will need another earth to live in and that’s impossible.
The video mentioned that the most emissions come from traffic delays, energy consumption and the increase in population. We have to decrease the carbon dioxide emitted into the air by one half. During the past 30 years Japan has improved the energy efficiency by 37% and decreased the oil consumption by 8%.

Over 90% of carbon dioxide emitted into the air of cities comes from buildings and transportation. The Cool city has been built by a group of Japanese companies called SDCJ. Cool City has brought the united technology and knowledge into one ideal city in order to reduce the CO2 emissions. The Cool City contains many facilities like sports zone, resort zone and residential zone. It has been built and organized to be accessible easily by foot. In that time they will be using hybrid cars that don’t emit emissions into the air. However, they expect that carbon dioxide will be reduced by 60%.

In my opinion this goal is hard to achieve and they need too much time and technology in order to build this city. It looks promising but who would live in this city and who will contribute in delivering this message to the world in order to do something about carbon emissions.

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